Saturday, May 4, 2013


Title: The Feather Keeper
Genre: Action / Adventure

Logline: Three Native American men, modern versions of ancient Navajo mythic warriors known as ‘The Feather Keepers’ journey to Afghanistan to find a terrorist, battle the Taliban and save an isolated army outpost.

John Two-Feather and his two cousins, Samuel and Joseph King, grandsons of Navajo medicine man John King, grow up on the reservation listening to their grandfather’s heroic tales of the heroes of the Navajo. Their favorite story of all was called “The Two Who Came to Their Father,” the story of the Navajo twin heroes known as the Feather Keepers. But what John and his cousins did not know as they listened to the tales was that their grandfather, the existing Feather Keeper and sole member of the clandestine ‘Aghia’ program, was preparing them for their own heroic journey.

For over twenty years now the Feather Keepers have fought America’s battles in the shadows and against overwhelming odds by employing the ‘Gifts of Ages’ mystic artifacts handed down through the centuries from the bloodline of the first Feather Keepers.

Today, in attempt to find new sources of uranium for its nuclear power program, the Pakistani Atomic Energy Agency sends Dr. Aram Saleh to the borderlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan to seek out a shadowy physician who has been rumored to be treating patients with radiation poisoning.

That physician is Dr. Jullah Hassan, a.k.a. Hussein Al Rahabi Mashoud, the nephew of a powerful Taliban warlord from the Mashoud clan who is the ancestral owner of the lands being fought over in Zabul province, Afghanistan.

Saleh convinces Hussein to have his men in Afghanistan bring him samples of ore from areas where the Taliban men were contaminated and if these samples prove adequate the government of Pakistan will buy the quantity for as long as it lasts. The windfall would be enough for the Mashoud clan to establish their own emirate inside Afghanistan and reestablish the Mashoud clan as kings there.

The samples do prove to be highly viable and Al Rahabi takes Saleh to meet his uncles who plan a massive invasion into Zabul to retake it and establish their kingdom once more.

Susan Jacobs, the leader of the CIA’s field team in Peshawar, plans a mission to capture the terrorist. The plan goes awry when Al Rahabi escapes and in the process downs the helicopter her ex-husband, also a field operator, is chasing Al Rahabi in.

Months pass and the CIA hears that the most wanted Al Rahabi may be operating in Zabul province in preparation for something unknown, but big. Jerry Kellogg, the Agency’s country director plans a covert operation to get Susan and her field agents into the wild wastelands of Zabul to find and thwart the Mashouds’ plans.

As the US Army struggles to pull troops together to establish a base in Zabul for the covert operation to work from, Jerry Kellogg turns to his old friend Larry Burton, and the Aghia program to lead the insertion into Zabul.

With two clandestine operations now in Zabul, Jerry Kellogg orders the three cousins to destroy the Taliban in the province while Susan (now undercover as nurse Marion Hughes) searches for Al Rahabi. Unbeknownst to her, he is working right beside her in a women’s health clinic in the town of Qalat, as Dr. Jullah Hassan.

Marion begins to dig around and suspects that they are much more than they appear to be. She and her security team follow them into the desert as they prepare for the coming battle and Marion, now very interested in John specifically, learns what no whites ever have.

After performing an ancient ceremony in preparation for the battle the three learn that the coming fight must be fought by a single man instead of all three of them. John will take all the Gifts as the next single bearer of the Gifts of Ages, like his grandfather, and meet a massive Taliban army in the desert alone.

But, having grown up never knowing fear because of the mythic gift he possessed, John now finds that for the first time in his life he is no longer a callous, fearless machine, but bears all the fears that any man facing certain death would.

Marion and her team apprehend Al Rahabi and bring him to the base for interrogation. As the defiant terrorist scoffs at Susan/Marion because he knows his uncle's massive army will soon be there, she ultimately avenges her ex-husband's death, by executing Al Rahabi at his own request after he learns the army of Mashoud has been destroyed.

Tragically, while John overcomes his fears and battles the Taliban, Samuel and Joseph are killed back at the base and John returns triumphant but emotionally destroyed by the loss of his cousins. Marion becomes his rock to lean on.

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